Our best addresses in Lancy
Find out all our addresses in Lancy to eat well on the run or with colleagues, learn climbing, swim or go shopping.
Snacking & restaurants
La Petite Vendée
Good mood and nice atmosphere in this Italian trattoria-style restaurant. To the menu: big Italian style salads (mozzarella, Parma ham, arugula…), with Greek (feta, vine leaves…) or Californian (pineapple, breaded chicken…) influences, generous large pizzas, beautiful pastas but also pieces of meat and fish specialties such as the fritto misto dello chef. Shaded terrace to enjoy the nice weather.
Chemin de la Vendée 40. www.lapetitevendee.ch
Café Rio
Small, friendly restaurant and bistro atmosphere for this trendy canteen frequented by a good number of regulars. On the menu: dishes of the day, burgers in all sauces, including Rio with onions, grilled bacon and fried egg. Afterwork or lunch, pleasant terrace in the summer.
Chemin de la Caroline 2/4. More information here.
Brasserie Lancy Parc
This address is big and efficient enough to host last-minute lunches. A wide choice of French recipes and Swiss specialties, tartar dishes, pizzas, perch fillets, lasagna, cheddar-roquefort-valaisan burgers or grilled octopus. Terrace.
Rue de Bandol 1. You can book a table here.
Boulangerie Oberson
With no less than five bakeries-pastry shops-confectionery-tea rooms spread around Geneva, this family business founded in 1951 is well known in the region. Representing the 4th generation of bakers, Stéphane Oberson was awarded “Pain d’Or” in 2018. This distinction rewards the best artisan baker in the canton. To taste if you haven’t already done so? The morning croissant to crunch on the spot with a coffee and the press, a sandwich with “Rolinette” bread for lunch, a famous fruit bread for a snack and a Criobello (chocolate mousse, creamy vanilla, almond dacquoise…) at tea time.
Sport & bien-être
Planet Climbing
Dedicated to block climbing, a discipline without ropes or harnesses that offers to tackle blocks from 4 to 6 meters high under which specific mattresses are positioned, Planet Climbing also offers yoga classes, a fitness area and a coffee corner. Courses for children and team building workshops on request. To practice, don’t hesitate to visit Chuit park where two free access blocks were installed a few months ago.
Piscine de Marignac
Opened in 1969, Marignac swimming pool has an olympic pool, a non-swimming pool, a diving pool, a paddling pool, slides, but also beach volleyball and beach football pitches, a sports area with fixed bars, a coffee corner-restaurant and a park dedicated to relaxation and sunbathing. The area is classified as a historical monument and is open all year round.
Activ Fitness
Yoga, bodytoning, bodycombat, bodypump, spinning, thighs/abdominals/buttocks circuit, stretching, pilates, Zumba… There’s plenty of choice in group courses. There are also a weight-training area, a children’s area with a day-care centre, a sauna and a hammam.
Non-Stop Gym
As the name suggests, Non-Stop Gym opens its doors and equipment every day non-stop. No group lessons but quality machines that you can try out with a coach on reservation. Reduced services to make the prices accessible.
Alimentation & Shopping
Lancy Centre
Health, beauty, press, phone, fashion, hairdressing… all the local shops and services on a single site.
Markets in Lancy
Two markets (Place des Ormeaux on Mondays and Thursdays, Place du 1er Août on Wednesdays and Fridays) dedicated to the region’s producers are organised in the commune to enable the inhabitants and employees of the companies in the area to enjoy the best of local and seasonal products. Bonus: food trucks complete the offer for lunch.
More information here.